How Success Is Rewarded

How Success Is Rewarded

I opened up my diary this morning to review the week ahead and read a quote that reminded me how “Success is rewarded in achieving our Goals”.
HR Reducing “Carbon Footprint”

HR Reducing “Carbon Footprint”

“The ecological impact of a lifestyle extends far beyond its mere footprint.” Do not hesitate to contact HR4Consulting to provide processes and policies on how to reduce your employees’ carbon emissions.
How Bad Are Bananas?

How Bad Are Bananas?

Another great read for 2024. How serious are we about addressing climate change, and understanding carbon footprint, in other words, the best estimate that we can get of the  “full climate change impact of something” that affects our environment?
“If I could tell you just one thing…”

“If I could tell you just one thing…”

I will be reading many books this year, and the second one is “If I could tell you just one thing…” by Richard Reed. Some of the world’s most remarkable people share their most valuable pieces of wisdom. As a fanatical tennis fan, I pick one....
Adverse weather conditions

Adverse weather conditions

Overall, the UK does not suffer from adverse weather on a regular basis. However, recently we have seen severe disruptions caused by snow, floods and wind creating HR related issues. So, how do we manage this? To introduce and implement an Adverse Weather Policy to...